Openings, Workshops, Meetings, and More!

Our Opening Reception for Out of the Box on September 30th is going to be quite different. Just Maybe will be set up outside to sing, along with the Blue Highway Food Truck. The whole building will be open. If you haven’t come to an Opening Reception yet, why not start with this one! For our October General meeting, we are bringing back a very popular topic, the art critique. We will have a guest artist from out of town critiquing your work. This is a great opportunity to get some suggestions and ideas. Contact Alfred Phillips to be part of this event. AND DON’T FORGET that this Saturday is pick-up and drop-off at SIMED. Any questions please contact Linda Lehrman: We just had a sensational workshop on mixed media collage. I love visiting the workshops in the Gallery. It brings a totally different energy to the room (and sometimes a big mess, as well..Ha!). It just reinforces, for me, how wonderful our space is. Sign up for Anda Chance’s Colored Pencil workshop starts now. I STILL NEED HELP SATURDAY AND SUNDAY AT THE THORNEBROOK ART FESTIVAL AT OUR INFORMATION BOOTH. Saturday between 10-2 Sunday Noon-5: e-mail me at And last but not least, do you consider yourself a writer? If so, contact me.