Karen Koegel, President
Dec 11, 2016
Visions and Goals
Last year, at this time, we were planning to move into the building. We had visions and goals, but no idea how everything would unfold....

Karen Koegel, President
Dec 5, 2016
Wonderful Works of Art (and Artists!)
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE We will be celebrating a year in the Gallery. As we always do, we will have a Holiday Party. This year we will...

Karen Koegel
Sep 15, 2016
Openings, Workshops, Meetings, and More!
Our Opening Reception for Out of the Box on September 30th is going to be quite different. Just Maybe will be set up outside to sing,...
Karen Koegel, President
Jul 28, 2016
So Much To See!
First thing's first…thank you to those of you who emailed me interested in being a volunteer. I will be seeing some of you tomorrow night...