Karen Koegel, President
Nov 24, 2016
Many Thanks
Every now and then you meet exceptional people. Haley Clement is one of them. She is a UF student who volunteered for The GFAA Fine Arts...

Karen Koegel, President
Nov 17, 2016
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Going to take a break from my usual message to make some important announcements this week: I want to welcome the...

Karen Koegel, President
Nov 9, 2016
Important Member Meeting This Week
This is a very important week. First of all we voted on Tuesday. So when you read this, that will be over and we will have a new...

Karen Koegel, President
Nov 3, 2016
Ribbons and Thank Yous
Did you know that I won my third ribbon at the Mixed Media and Collage Opening Reception? And this one was Best in Show. Am I bragging?...